Prevent Acne with the Right Diet - Acne Cleansers
Acne on the face is always annoying and ruin the appearance. You can be the result of lack of confidence. If during these reddish spots on the skin that appear diligent, you'll begin to watch your diet.
It's no secret that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and low in sugar and starch can reduce your waist size. But you know, the present study was demonstrated diet can also reduce acne.
Eat the right foods, then you can see up to 20 percent improvement in your skin, says Cheryl Lee Eberting, MD, a dermatologist certified in Alpine, Utah. Although proper diet also plays a role, does not mean it can be a substitute for proper skin care regimen. In addition, you also still need to be diligent in consultation with a dermatologist to determine the cause of acne and prescribe the right medicine.
Well, here are some foods that are believed to be the researchers provide positive benefits for skin health:
Bilberries is a kind of dark blue berry that was one of the best sources of antioxidants, which can reduce inflammation - one of the main causes of acne, according to Eberting. Unfortunately, bilberries are usually hard to find. Instead, only the consumption of blueberries as a source of antioxidants that are not less good but more easily found.
Nuts are a rich source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, believed to be effective to reduce inflammation, Eberting said. Although no studies that link omega-3 and acne in particular, omega-3 in theory may reduce inflammation in the sebaceous glands - which means shrinking swollen pink around the pimple.
The researchers calculated the ability of fish oil to combat the inflammation, because fish oil has been shown to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, said Eberting. That means, the opportunity to fish oil help reduce acne too good, says Eberting. Fatty fish, like salmon and herring contain omega-3 at the most. However, taking fish oil supplements can also help. Just make sure the product is free of PCB and dioxin, which is a low level of contaminants in fish, said Eberting.
In addition, there are some foods you should avoid because it can negatively impact the skin. Among others:
Milk and milk products
Several studies have concluded that milk may play a role in the formation of acne because they contain hormones, said Susan C. Taylor, MD, a dermatologist in Philadelphia and author of "Reader's Digest Guide to Skin Care. ' The hormones contained in milk is said to stimulate the oil glands, which can cause acne. Whole milk, low fat versions, and skim, all shown to contribute, as well as cottage cheese and cream cheese.
Simple carbohydrates
Products containing starch such as white bread, potatoes, and potato chips, all of which have a high glycemic index, has a tendency causing a sharp rise in glucose and insulin after a meal. For the skin, it stimulates the hormone surge in oil production, called androgens, which can cause acne. Try replacing processed carbohydrates with foods high in protein and whole grain breads, pasta and beans that have a low glycemic index.
Sweet cakes and drinks
The same study found that foods and beverages such as pastries, cakes, fruit juices, and soda, which also made up of glucose and insulin, can affect the development and severity of acne. Most of the sugar may even lead to hyperinsulinemia, said Eberting, which is a condition in which the amount of insulin in your blood is higher than what is considered normal, which is generally seen in women with polycystic ovary syndrome, which is a hormonal disorder with acne as a symptom.
Spicy foods
If you have acne rosacea, the redness on the cheeks, nose and forehead with a prominent acne, some foods can aggravate the condition. Foods rich in spices such as India a rich menu of curry, or spicy foods with cayenne pepper is a trigger for rosacea is to be avoided,
It's no secret that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and low in sugar and starch can reduce your waist size. But you know, the present study was demonstrated diet can also reduce acne.
Eat the right foods, then you can see up to 20 percent improvement in your skin, says Cheryl Lee Eberting, MD, a dermatologist certified in Alpine, Utah. Although proper diet also plays a role, does not mean it can be a substitute for proper skin care regimen. In addition, you also still need to be diligent in consultation with a dermatologist to determine the cause of acne and prescribe the right medicine.
Well, here are some foods that are believed to be the researchers provide positive benefits for skin health:
Bilberries is a kind of dark blue berry that was one of the best sources of antioxidants, which can reduce inflammation - one of the main causes of acne, according to Eberting. Unfortunately, bilberries are usually hard to find. Instead, only the consumption of blueberries as a source of antioxidants that are not less good but more easily found.
Nuts are a rich source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, believed to be effective to reduce inflammation, Eberting said. Although no studies that link omega-3 and acne in particular, omega-3 in theory may reduce inflammation in the sebaceous glands - which means shrinking swollen pink around the pimple.
The researchers calculated the ability of fish oil to combat the inflammation, because fish oil has been shown to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, said Eberting. That means, the opportunity to fish oil help reduce acne too good, says Eberting. Fatty fish, like salmon and herring contain omega-3 at the most. However, taking fish oil supplements can also help. Just make sure the product is free of PCB and dioxin, which is a low level of contaminants in fish, said Eberting.
In addition, there are some foods you should avoid because it can negatively impact the skin. Among others:
Milk and milk products
Several studies have concluded that milk may play a role in the formation of acne because they contain hormones, said Susan C. Taylor, MD, a dermatologist in Philadelphia and author of "Reader's Digest Guide to Skin Care. ' The hormones contained in milk is said to stimulate the oil glands, which can cause acne. Whole milk, low fat versions, and skim, all shown to contribute, as well as cottage cheese and cream cheese.
Simple carbohydrates
Products containing starch such as white bread, potatoes, and potato chips, all of which have a high glycemic index, has a tendency causing a sharp rise in glucose and insulin after a meal. For the skin, it stimulates the hormone surge in oil production, called androgens, which can cause acne. Try replacing processed carbohydrates with foods high in protein and whole grain breads, pasta and beans that have a low glycemic index.
Sweet cakes and drinks
The same study found that foods and beverages such as pastries, cakes, fruit juices, and soda, which also made up of glucose and insulin, can affect the development and severity of acne. Most of the sugar may even lead to hyperinsulinemia, said Eberting, which is a condition in which the amount of insulin in your blood is higher than what is considered normal, which is generally seen in women with polycystic ovary syndrome, which is a hormonal disorder with acne as a symptom.
Spicy foods
If you have acne rosacea, the redness on the cheeks, nose and forehead with a prominent acne, some foods can aggravate the condition. Foods rich in spices such as India a rich menu of curry, or spicy foods with cayenne pepper is a trigger for rosacea is to be avoided,
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