Acne Can Attack Men - Acne Cleansers

Acne is a common skin problems experienced by people of all ages, despite the fact that acne is most commonly experienced during puberty in adolescents. As one of the skin problems, acne can create insecure and lose confidence in the person experiencing it, not least in men. To know more clearly about the problem of acne.

Although the visible skin looks smooth, but the actual skin contains millions of follicles, which are each follicle fine hair is very thin and almost invisible. These follicles become the place of expenditure of various substances, such as fat which is also called sebum, the water from the sweat glands, and also the natural oils from the skin.

During many of these substances out smoothly through the follicle, the skin will look soft and clean. However, sometimes these substances can be trapped inside the follicle. If the substance is clogged below the skin surface, then the result is a closed comedo (whitehead). Meanwhile, when the substance is blocked out of the skin and exposed to air, the oxygen will turn it into a blackish color, which is called an open comedo (blackhead).


If the substance is clogged to multiply, then the pressure will increase and encourage the follicle wall. This can be where the bacteria multiply. If the follicle wall rupture proficiency level, then the immune system will respond by sending cells to kill bacteria and other substances in the blackheads. As a result, the skin will become red and inflamed, often containing visible pus and dead bacteria that the body's cells.

Although acne itself is not a deadly disease, but acne can make a person experiencing stress. About 17 million adults in the United States have acne, where 25% were male. Acne also occurs more frequently after going through puberty, even a study in 1999 which was published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology says that old people who have acne has increased by about 23%, from 20.5 years to about 26, 5 years.

Medical language of acne is "acne vulgaris", which roughly describes the condition when a person with acne, which is a scourge that is bad and clearly visible (vulgar), which can ravage the face of every person who experienced it.

The problem of acne can leave deep wounds, either physically or emotionally. Although the majority of acne experienced by adolescents (associated with hormone) but some are still experiencing acne despite being through adolescence.

Stress, poor diet, lack of sleep can trigger acne, although the actual cause of acne is due to the oil glands produce sebum in large numbers, especially at puberty. But because many are still blotchy after passing puberty, making many people wonder, why is that?.

According to dr. Christopher B. Harmon of Total Skin and Beauty Dermatology Center in Birmingham, Alabama, "a genetic condition that affects a major factor in the case of acne (more than the diet & the environment). These factors determine whether a person's skin prone to breakouts or not ".

Anabolic steroids, are usually consumed by athletes and bodybuilders to form muscle mass, can also cause acne in men. The results showed that about 1/3 of men who take steroids will break out, where 50% of this amount could also suffer a severe type of acne (cystic acne).

When experiencing acne as this, then when the consumption of anabolic steroid stopped, the acne will disappear by itself.
      Men may also experience other conditions that resemble the skin disorder acne, also known as folliculitis. That is a condition that often arise due to the habit of shaving too close, so the bacteria can enter and cause infection.

      One way to distinguish between the acne is folliculitis, in folliculitis often can see the roots of the hair in the middle of the lesion. Infections due to folliculitis itself is usually not very deep, but when it happens around the hair follicles, can cause a big bump and pus, which may leave a scar.

      Folliculitis is more common in African race and Hispanic men, because they tend to have a curly hair follicles under the skin so it can be a pocket of infection.

      One of the ways to prevent folliculitis is to use an electric shaver, because it does not shave as close as a razor. Then use other drugs to clear the clogged pores. The key  is to use different types of acne medication different categories to control bacteria, cleanse pores and soothe inflammation.

      One other type of inflammation in the skin is rosacea, a condition that is often mistaken as acne, because both small and shaped reddish rash around the nose and cheeks. Rosacea also occurs in the hair follicles, although not caused by sebum or oil. Although the cause remains unknown, but some experts believe that the condition was caused by a type of mite attack called Demodex folliculorum. Rosacea treatment itself is different from treatment of acne in general.

Treatment of acne is fundamental is to keep the follicles are not blocked, by using a skin cleanser to remove dead skin cells. Dead skin cells removing can also be done through the use cleaners that contain scrub or by way of peeling.

These are products that can be used to treat acne:
  • Benzoyl peroxide: It can kill bacteria in the follicles and cause acne.
  • Salicylic acid: Can open clogged pores, although it is a temporary cure, but used routinely.
If both the above products are also not able to deal with acne, your dermatologist may also provide other treatments, such as:

  • Antibiotics: Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics orally (drink) or applied to the skin to control bacterial
  • Derivatives of vitamin A: Also known as retinoid, can help open clogged pores and keep the pores are still not blocked
  • Treatment to relieve inflammation: Also known as corticosteroids, can be injected directly into the inflamed spot (a big pimple bumps) to prevent acne and scar rupture.

In addition, there are also some supplements that are used to help treat acne. But keep in mind that, to take these supplements are also worth noting the rules of life, because there are some supplements that can cause other side effects to the body.

For example, consuming large amounts of zinc supplements to treat acne, can cause anemia, reduced white blood cell count and make the body vulnerable to infection. Then, too much vitamin A derivatives like isotretinoin also may cause liver toxicity and hair loss.

If you want to consume drugs or supplements as above, preferably in accordance with the doses that have been given and for the supervision of a doctor. The easiest step to prevent acne is to perform regular skin care and always keep the skin clean.

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