Banish Acne with Yogurt and Aloe Vera - Acne Cleansers

Red spots and burning in the face of alias acne can interfere with performance. Moreover, when the acne that appears when you want to look perfect at special moments such as birthdays or job interview.

Currently there are many acne medications that can be found easily in stores. But, there are a number of natural recipes you can try to treat acne.

Herb yoghurt


This mixture can be used in two ways. First, by applying to the skin areas that are problematic, or drink to cleanse your digestive system. Apply only on acne, because the acidity of garlic can make this mixture of normal skin stung.

1/2 cup plain yogurt (plain) organic
1 or 2 cloves garlic, mash
1 cup water

How to make:
Mix the garlic into the yoghurt and leave for six hours. Then, add boiling water to the mix. Quickly shake, then strain the mixture with cheesecloth to remove pieces of garlic. Allow to cool before use.

Aloe vera cream
This night cream can help relieve and clear up acne by keeping the pH balance of skin. Its main ingredient is aloe vera, which is believed to be efficacious medicinal plants.

2 or more tablespoons of aloe vera gel
3 ounces of grape seed oil or almond
1 ounce of liquid lanolin
2 ounces of rose water

How to make:
Take a leaf of aloe vera, cut the edges with a sharp knife. Peel one side, then wiped with a soft gel in it. Mix aloe vera with grapeseed or almond oil, then stir in beaten eggs, electric mixer, or blender.

In a glass bowl placed over a pan of hot water, melt the liquid lanolin into the mixture. Remove the pan from the heat and let cool. After that, add the rose water. Keep the cream in a bottle. Use at night as an ointment or cream body acne.

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