Healing Acne - Acne Home Remedy - Acne Cleansers

Over the years people have lost sight of acne home remedies or natural cures to acne. Acne home remedies are by far more cost effective than over-the-counter acne medication or seeing your family dermatologist.

Vitamin B5 is also good for acne blackheads natural treatment and is considered to be very important in a nutrient rich diet. It is commonly found in foods such as pork, chicken, beef, eggs, saltwater fish, potatoes, wheat and fresh vegetables. Although the variety of foods is large, the problem is that 50% of the vitamin is usually lost during the milling of grains.

natural acne herbal treatment is Calendula. Although not as well known about, Calendula is a very effective acne treatment. Calendula is a skin tissue healer of potential damage from the acne. But Calendula is also a natural anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory completely natural product. Calendula comes in cream, or water base washing formula to cleanse the acne infected skin. Tea tree oil is cleansing and is very useful in fighting bacteria that causes acne. Use plain tea tree to spot treat acne before going to bed or add a few drops of tea tree oil into your daily facial cleanser to help reduce pimples and acne infections on the face.


Green tea is a rich source of antioxidants and has proven to be highly effective in curing acne time and again. Not just this, you can easily blend it in your daily routine without much of an extra effort. The B vitamins are all important for healthy skin tone, though several are recommended for acne sufferers. These are vitamin B3 (100 mg three times a day), vitamin B6 (50 mg three times a day), and vitamin B5 (50 mg three times a day). If you are taking any B vitamins separately, it's recommended that you take a B complex, as this group work together and taking some without the others can result in a deficiency of some B vitamins. The B vitamins also help with the effects of stress, which can be important for acne sufferers.

In addition to eating fresh fruits to supply your skin with collagen building vitamin C, you can also smear them onto your face for gentle acid exfoliation. Just puree a forth a cup of pineapple and smooth it onto your face. Leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse. Since the pineapples contains ascorbic acid, it will impart a brightening effect on the face, and help fade acne marks.

There are several variations to the toothpaste acne remedy. Some people swear that it alone, dabbed onto the offending zits, will clear them up. Others prefer mixing toothpaste in with several other ingredients, forming mixtures that range from simple to complex. For example, one teenager washed her face with salty water, left it on, added more salt to her face until it was entirely covered, then washed all of that off. Finally, toothpaste was applied to the pimples, and left on for a few hours, but preferably overnight.


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