Soda Drinks Cause Acne

Is it true that soft drinks are favored by many people because it feels good it can grow acne? Yes! Although not directly related, but the substances in soft drinks can trigger problems in the body that cause acne as a side effect. Why? Because of soda contains high sugar content. Sugar makes us feel good because it instantly gives energy and makes the body release serotonin (a neurotransmitter that enhances mood to make people feel happy). That is why it makes people addicted to drink soda. It contained 250 calories per 600 ml. There's no nutrients or minerals in it, except for sugar and caffeine.

Eating too much sugar can be associated with the development of acne, according to Livestrong. Consumption of soda can cause spikes in blood sugar so the body will make insulin and testosterone to compensate. This condition affects the skin, which makes clogged pores and skin inflammation. Although it does not result in direct effects, the caffeine in soda can cause insomnia and digestive disorders, both directly related to acne.

Difficulty sleeping due to drinking too much soda can cause the body to release stress and cortisol, which causes excess oil production and acne. Limit the amount of soda you drink to reduce acne as well to help improve overall health, which is directly related to healthy skin.

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