5 Solutions to Eliminate Wrinkles and Acne

Problems in the face lines, wrinkles and acne more commonly occur as we age. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, more than 35% of women aged 30-39 years and more than 25% of women aged 40-49 years are breakouts. Simple solutions from Fox News Health include:

According to Dr. Amy Taub, an assistant professor at Northwestern University, is an important step in beauty care. For oily skin, use a cleanser that has salicylic acid or glycolic peel to the skin to clean pores and help stimulate the skin and prevent wrinkles.


One of the best ways to prevent wrinkles is to protect the face using sunscreen every daily activity. Because, we'll never realize how much exposure to sunlight on our skin. Look for products that have an SPF of 30 or more as well as zinc oxide and at least 5% message Melissa Galloway, Medical esthetician at Summit Medical Group, Berkeley.

Antioxidant that works like a sponge absorbs the skin-damaging free radicals is one of the prevention of skin damage effect sunlight, smoke and pollutants in the air. Look for moisturizers and serums containing vitamin E, C, green tea or grape seed extract. And because the wrinkles around the eyes are the earliest emerging, it is important to wear sunglasses whenever outside the room.

Prescription Retin A and retinol-counter product is the best way to treat wrinkles and acne by reducing oil secretion, tightens pores, and eliminating damaged cells. Hemical peels containing salicylic and glycolic acid is a good choice because it allows oxygen into the pores and prevent bacterial growth. Microdermabrasion of professionals are also effective at removing fine lines and large pores are clogged.
Avoid scrubbing or abrasive grains because they can be too hard. Instead, look for products that also contain salicylic acid and retinol. Be sure to check labels if retinol is listed as one of the first material, is likely to have higher concentrations. For some women are sensitive retinol is too hard, so that alpha hydroxyl acids may be an alternative option.

Sometimes a healthcare professional will prescribe a topical solution or in the form of prescription medication. Should consult with a dermatologist who can design a treatment plan that is right for your skin type, type of acne, and wrinkles that you have.

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